Ratio between the product amount and the number of logs or stems needed Number of logs or stems needed so that there are no redundant planks/sticks/. The following table presents the amount of logs or stems needed to produce an even multiple of a given item with no waste left over, and the quantity produced: Using an axe on a log or stem turns it into a stripped log or a stripped stem, which act the same as regular logs. Trees can also be grown using saplings or azalea and huge fungi can also be grown using small fungi. Stripped oak, spruce, jungle and dark oak logs also generate as masts in shipwrecks..Oak, spruce, jungle and dark oak logs generate as masts in shipwrecks..They are also generated in woodland mansions in the walls and borders and in ancient cities.They also generate as supporting beams badlands mineshafts. Dark oak logs can generate in pillager outposts as a pile of logs, and as part of watchtowers.Acacia logs and stripped acacia logs generate as part of houses in savanna villages.Stripped spruce logs generate in snowy plains villages.Spruce logs generate as part of houses in taiga and snowy plains villages.Stripped oak logs generate in plains villages.Oak logs generate as part of houses and at some meeting points in plains villages, and as supporting beams of swamp huts and normal mineshafts.Stems generate naturally as part of huge fungi. Especially, a jungle log generate for each jungle bush. Logs generate naturally as part of trees.

For more information, see Breaking § Speed.

↑ Times are for unenchanted tools as wielded by players with no status effects, measured in seconds.